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Are you a beginner or looking to improve
your knitting techniques?

Discover at a glance where you stand and what steps are needed to advance to the next level!

First Project Easy Intermediate Expert
Experience It’s the beginning of knitting skills development. You will learn basic knitting techniques such as casting on and off, garter stitch. You know the basics of knitting, and it’s time to deepen your knowledge (stockinette stitch, ribbing and seed stitch, swatches, picked up stitches, new stitches, stripes...) to create simple projects with size 6 needles or larger, as well as babywear pieces with needles size 3.5 or larger. You have a good grasp of basic knitting techniques, so start deepening your knowledge with more advanced projects using all needle sizes and fancy stitches. You have mastered knitting techniques perfectly and complex projects do not scare you! Jacquard, textured and lace patterns, and cables await you at the expert level!
Stitches garter stitch garter stitch, stockinette and seed stitch, ribbing, stocking stitch twisted stitch, mock rib, English rib, simple fancy stitch, icord edge, simple cables all fancy stitches, fancy raglan, lace patterns on the right and wrong side
Needles size 6 or larger two needle sizes and simple circular stockinette pattern (snood or hat) all sizes, knitting in the round with circular or double-pointed needles all sizes, knitting in the round with circular or double-pointed needles
Swatch X yes yes yes
Yarn Skills casting on stitches, casting off stitches recovering a dropped stitch, weaving in ends, knitting two strands together picking up stitches, yarn overs, making short rows you are an expert! Even non-existent stitches pose no problem to you
Shapes simple rectangle or square simple shape, shoulder slants all shapes all shapes
Assembly simple rectangle or square invisible seam grafting, stitch by stitch all seam types
Increase / Decrease X one or more stitches at the beginning and end of a row by knitting two stitches together several stitches away from the edge several stitches away from the edge, fancy, combining increases and stitch placement during knitting
Buttonhole X simple (1 yarn over, 2 stitches together knit) vertical and horizontal all buttonholes
Finishes X cord edges and fringes sewing pockets, shawl collar, appliqués bobbles and ruffles
Seams X flat neckline band, flat armhole band invisible, grafting, stitch by stitch, picking up stitches all seams, sewing ruffles
Embroidery X chain stitch embroidery chain stitch embroidery, embroidery, stitch embroidery, stem stitch and long stitch all embroidery types
Crochet X X simple crochet finishing, combining crochet/knitting with simple stitches combining crochet and knitting
Stripes X wide stripes, even number of rows thin stripes, odd number of rows all types of stripes
Sleeves X tubes, inset tubes, flat raglan, set-in hammerhead sleeve
Chart X X simple complex
Jacquard X X simple intarsia jacquard with a simple pattern and float jacquard complex jacquard, intarsia or floats, in the round
Construction X X simple complex
Yoke X X X round (fancy stitch or jacquard)




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