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93 products
Catalogue N° 245 : Poésie Miniature
Catalogue N°239 : Chaleur Acidulée
Catalogue N°235 : La Magie Du Tricot
Catalogue N°232 : Spécial Circulaire
Catalogue N°228 : Femme
Catalogue N°224 Bébé Debout Printemps
Catalogue N°223 Layette
Catalogue N°217 : Bébé Automne/hiver
Catalogue N°216 : Enfant Automne/hiver
Catalogue N°215 : Layette Automne-hiver
Catalogue N°212: Layette
Catalogue N°211: Enfant Printemps-eté
Catalogue N°209 Layette Printemps-eté
Catalogue N°208 Femme
Catalogue No. 207: Easy Accessories
Catalogue N°206 - Facile Femme
Catalogue N°205 : Tricot Layette Facile
Catalogue N°204 - Matières Nobles
Catalogue N°201 - Chaleur Dhiver
Catalogue N°200 - Layette Automne Hiver


Explore our vast collection of knitting and crocheting pattern catalogs, an endless source of inspiration for creative enthusiasts. Whether you are a beginner or expert, you will find a variety of patterns here to create unique projects. From sumptuous shawls to adorable baby clothes and trendy accessories, our collection offers detailed and easy-to-follow instructions. Let your creativity flow by choosing from a range of yarns and textures. Create handmade, lovingly personalized pieces and share your creations with pride. Start your next project today!

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